
CNN10 - The Home of the White Rhino 英英辞典(Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary)

今日、英英辞典(Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary Collins Cobuild (編集))で引いた単語数、64語。

  1. petrol
  2. paraffin
  3. theme
  4. edible
  5. wrinkle
  6. chopped
  7. stoical
  8. great-grandfather
  9. ecology
  10. dedicate
  11. geology
  12. lengthy
  13. bundle
  14. pay packet
  15. wage packet
  16. phosphorus
  17. fertilizers
  18. put onto
  19. pottery
  20. polymer
  21. fluid
  22. injuries
  23. motorbike
  24. billow
  25. rank
  26. fume
  27. fast-growing
  28. ailing
  29. parchment
  30. examining
  31. clashes
  32. came to
  33. Rebellions
  34. pro-government
  35. relled
  36. sector
  37. credible
  38. psychiatrist
  39. absense
  40. triggered off
  41. hunger
  42. graceful
  43. style
  44. as
  45. understated
  46. mustache
  47. simplicity
  48. pre-
  49. cassette
  50. half-asleep
  51. cartridge
  52. bullet
  53. starter pistol
  54. point-blank
  55. courage
  56. porous
  57. friendship
  58. saw
  59. lookalike
  60. calf
  61. general [public
  62. destroyed
  63. producing
  64. unwanted

視覚と聴覚の融合のための本題のステップ4は目標通りDVD(Full House)を鑑賞。

PodcastはCNN 10のCNN10 - The Home of the White Rhinoを鑑賞。

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