
CNN10 - The U.S. Policy On Taiwan 英英辞典(Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary)

今日、英英辞典(Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary Collins Cobuild (編集))で引いた単語数、54語。

  1. whisky
  2. pubs
  3. bars
  4. malt
  5. measured
  6. measuring
  7. counter-measure
  8. half measure
  9. tape measure
  10. mankind
  11. swell up
  12. country
  13. mad
  14. splash
  15. drab
  16. caravan
  17. stravel-stained
  18. sstated
  19. studio
  20. validity
  21. insane
  22. jump up
  23. overseas
  24. writing
  25. knowledgeable
  26. horse
  27. bookkeeper
  28. repayment
  29. espionage
  30. working capital
  31. rebuke
  32. magical
  33. set in
  34. driven over
  35. accomplished
  36. squash
  37. serve
  38. Colmar
  39. hostage
  40. set
  41. defence
  42. Ossetian
  43. stage
  44. passed off
  45. enslave
  46. ethnic
  47. heart
  48. perishable
  49. blame
  50. board of directors
  51. supervised
  52. jelly
  53. worshipful
  54. standing

視覚と聴覚の融合のための本題のステップ4は目標通りDVD(Full House)を鑑賞。

PodcastはCNN 10のCNN10 - The U.S. Policy On Taiwanを鑑賞。

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