
CNN10 - Radioactive Water In The Pacific | April 22, 2021 英英辞典(Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary) 1

今日、英英辞典(Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary Collins Cobuild (編集))で引いた単語数、50語。

  1. Altman
  2. District Attorney
  3. amendment
  4. innocence
  5. greed
  6. defendant
  7. ethnic
  8. transistor
  9. silicon
  10. surveillance
  11. dishwasher
  12. self-=educated
  13. inter-
  14. asylum seeker
  15. harvests
  16. reed
  17. ashore
  18. confrontation
  19. work-force
  20. perfect pitch
  21. hi-pitched
  22. fever pitch
  23. nowhere
  24. pitched
  25. sales pitch
  26. upgraded
  27. adverb
  28. Harriet
  29. Dublin
  30. flown
  31. cabin
  32. carriage
  33. postage
  34. fungi
  35. omelette
  36. button mushroom
  37. recoil
  38. tremble
  39. terry
  40. stoical
  41. ecology
  42. dedicate
  43. context
  44. fleeting
  45. squad`
  46. house arrest
  47. Bosnian
  48. Srebrenica
  49. sulfur
  50. wreck

視覚と聴覚の融合のための本題のステップ4は目標通りDVD(Full House)を鑑賞。

PodcastはCNN 10のCNN10 - Radioactive Water In The Pacific | April 22, 2021を鑑賞。

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